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Awards 2014 Environmental Improvement Broughgammon Farm

Well what a busy few months it has been! Apologies for the lack of news! However we have loads! We have recently succeeded in getting a few awards for our farm!

We were shortlisted for the Northern Ireland Tourism Awards, and are pleased to say that we were highly commended! We’ve made it our mission to make it to every show we can be at, we want to be ‘yes’ men! And it appears to have paid off! Unfortunately though we were unable to make the ceremony as were busy prepping for Derry’s Carnival of Colours!

NITB awards broughgammon farm 2014

In early 2013 we won the NI water consumer councils gold award for our water management policy, pathing the way for two great awards in 2014.

Broughgammon Farm won the gold award for its sustainable water consumption from the NI water consumer council, pathing the way for other awards.

The Business in the Community’s Environmental Improvement Award, for our dedication to sustainability and improvement of our working business with the natural environment on the farm so as to have a positive impact. This was a huge event that we were more than happy to be part of! They made a video and all!

This dedication for sustainability was reinforced by recently winning the UK Water Efficiency Awards Category for Farming and Horticulture for our Sustainable Development Plan! Not only was it a great award, but it was the WHOLE of the UK, you can never be too wise with water!

uk water effieceny award 2014 broughgammon farm waterwise farming and horitculture
The waterwise efficiency awards, unfortunately we didn’t make it over to this as we were too busy again!

Lets Keep Making this happen! #trends#doingitright #sustainability!

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