2015: Can we get goat meat for sale online and in Dublin?!
So here we are, after what we consider our first proper years trading, we’re back and ready for more! You may have thought that we’ve been keeping things on the ‘down low’ since Christmas, and your sort of right, whilst we may not have been at market, we’ve been busy bees….
Butchery Maintenance
We’ve used the downtime in the first couple of weeks of January there to get some much needed butchery maintenance done! Keeps our HACCP looking mighty, and has given Sandy quite a grin, we think he likes the new color scheme!

Kid’s Galore
And if that wasn’t enough, Charlie’s been busy with the Kids again! We’re delighted that this January’s batch of kids are taking well! We’ve refined our kid-rearing system down to a fine art now, with happy healthy, heavy kids coming through! These little fellas will be heading out in June/July!
The Broughgammon Cookbook

Just before Christmas you’ll hopefully have seen that we released the Broughgammon Cookbook! This little work of art should keep you busy in the kitchen for a while! With recipes covering all of our products its the perfect introduction to our wares, and allows anyone to get to grips with our various goodies! It also allowed us to test run the online shop… which leads us to….
New Years Resolutions…
Well where do we go now! We certainly hot 2014 running, as was the intention, and thankfully had a fantastic time! But we certainly could not have done it all without you!!
So where to now you may ask? Well this year we hope to bring you the following:
Dublin Markets
We’re hoping, with fingers firmly crossed, to be heading to dublin shortly! So please wish us the best of luck! As always, it just requires the right pieces of the jigsaw to fit in at the right time, we have one potential market lined up, but we really need to find a second for the Sunday to make the weekly trips work! If you hear of any, or know of any then please do let us know!
The Online farm Shop
This is the next big step! Quietly launched before Christmas we trialed it to send out a few of our cookbooks and boy did it do well! We are planning next to get our produce up too! It will probably start as a hamper, but are hoping that as we grow it will develop into a fully fledged farm shop allowing you to shop by cut!
As many of you will already know we have been offering our produce for shipping for a while now by mail order, and use a fantastic product called Wool Cool to deliver chilled straight to your door! For more information see this awesome little post we did on it here!
Ready Meals
Another little adventure we took before Christmas was the start of our ready meals, or the re-launching of Mum’s good old ‘Easy-Eats’.
We found that a few of our customers had been put off some of the products due to concerns with cooking, so we thought we’d make it a whole lot easier! We’ve taken that step for you, and each week we’ll bring a selection of fresh ready cooked meals suitable to take home and re-heat or to pop straight into the freezer!
Wedding Events
The final step this year is wedding events! Who would know! But with our first booking in the pipeline we though we’d give it a go, so come find us at the Quirky Wedding’s event on the 1st March at the Waterfront Hall and get us booked in!
Until we see you next, toodle pip, and we hope that your New Years Resolution is to try something new, something not found in a shopping aisle!