
Broughgammon Goat In The Guardian!

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2013 08 22 15.44.31

Last year we had a visit from The Guardian, who, having heard about our goats and sustainable ways, decided a visit was in order. Between Charlie having his head down a drain and the goats behaving very badly the film crew certainly had some fun!


The Video provides a great insight into our sustainable developmnent programme here at the farm, which also won us The Consumer Council’s ‘Water Champion’s’ Award.

Brothers Charlie and Sandy manage Broughgammon farm, a family business with sustainability at its core. The pair equate sustainable methods with good business, from rearing ‘surplus’ billy goats to using solar-heated rainwater. As well as reducing their environmental impact they hope to meet all their energy and water needs in the near future

The Guardian 15th August 2014.

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