Broughgammon awarded Irelands food producer of the year and highly commended for all UK.
30th April 2014,

The Broughgammon brothers travelled far, landing in London eventually after a couple of false lands by easyjet, a diversion from Gatwick to Luton and a train breaking down! However, in true style the lads pulled through at the last moment, picking up Indie Farmer and The Tweed Fox on the way to the House of Lords for the announcement of the UKs overall Counrtyside Alliance Winner. After passing through airport standard security to get into the house of Lords The Broughgammon Duo found themselves surrounded by various other wonderful producers and Regional Finalists for the Awards. After a couple of glasses of wine, some canopies in the sun everything was becoming quite jovial, so the announcements were made! Unfortunately Broughgammon was beaten to the UK Winner of the Local Food Producer Category which went to My Cow Molly, however, Broughgammon came a close second being highly commended for the achievements it has managed and its dedication to producing good slow artisan food at affordable prices.
To merry the Spirits a journey was taken to visit Barbacoa Restaurant and Butchers, beside St. Pauls. This proved to be an inspiring moment, fueling thought food provided (and a couple of complimentary drinks), the boys recieved some excellent ideas for both the Butchery and Street Food Get-Up, look forward to seeing them over the summer!